
Tik Tok

There’s two modes of living life: thinking without realizing you’re thinking. And being completely present in the moment.

Given the entire world their fingertips, celebrities are unhappy, depressed, and stuck wanting more no matter how many followers they have. That’s because they are lost in thought. That’s because they’re stressed and breathing poorly. We all know people who are perpetually stressed, because we are these people. 

It doesn’t have to be this way. We can be present and satisfied in this very moment, regardless if we have work to do or we’re uncomfortable. We can catch ourselves lost in thought traps and pop out of our head to enjoy what it is we’re doing right now. 

Being unhappy is a choice we make… and it’s more pressing than ever to make a choice to work on being happy.

Social Media is loud and stressful. And it’s here to stay, we do not have control over that. We may not have control over what we see and the comments we receive and how people talk about us. But what we do have control over is our mind. We have control of our breath.

That’s why we created the Breathe Community. To share with you the wisdom passed down from sages and saints. To organize a practice that you can begin right now. Because you don’t have to figure this out alone. We give you an exact outline of how you can pop out of your thoughts, change your breathing for the better, and improve the quality of your mind. 

The Breathe Community teaches you how to breathe and think better.

What you will receive is access to practices you can begin immediately, organized in a single membership area, built around breathwork and mindfulness from leading teachers.

We take the best practices that have helped us personally and organize it into simple programs for you begin working on immediately.

Why shouldn’t you learn a better way to view the world? Why shouldn’t you learn proper breathing techniques for your life situations?

Breathing is Prana; which means life force. Should you learn a better way to breathe in life’s force?

And the best way to learn is with others. So you have direct access to chat with our team about monthly progress. So not only do you get all of the practices and techniques organized into one space. You get the coaches to hold you accountable. 

Are you ready to breathe and think better?

Breathe and Think Better Starting Today...

This Members area will inspire you to:

Use the power of your breath to control your mind

Become a better leader of your life

Increase your energy levels and confidence

To be certain about how to start your day

Become more comfortable and confident being alone

What are the risks or the downsides of NOT taking control of your breath? For not maximizing the potential of your mind? Not preparing yourself before falling down the rabbithole of crippling thoughts? The repercussions of not learnig how to control your breath and mind are downright miserable. Especially now that we are connected to the internet 24/7. Shutting off the mind is impossible, unless you’re dead. So learning how to use your mind, and your breath, has never been more important.

Every weekday morning you will receive a live guided breathwork and mindfulness exercise. Most of which will be taught by me, Jake Twomey, the person you see on this Tik Tok page. If you can’t make the exercise, it will be recorded and uploaded to our membership area.

As soon as you join the Membership area – you get access to the very first and most important exercise to get you started. You can begin that exercise right away. 

You will also receive access to our discord channel, where you will find support from our team and other members in the area. 

So are you ready to breathe and think better?


This area holds me accountable with my breathing exercises and meditations. The entire community has been so helpful and it's super easy to contact their team with any questions
Arnold Gia
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John Doe
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
John Doe