Blue Door Media LLC

Jump-Start My Art

We get really gassed up about people turning their creativity into cash.

But, creative folks like artists, musicians, writers, poets; they’re all poor, right?

Dead wrong.

Advances in online marketplaces and the urge to hustle have given creative entrepreneurs a leg up on the broke bards and tapped out troubadours of the past.

Just in 2015 alone, the online art market grew by 24%.

One of the biggest advantage artists and creatives have today is the ability to take advantage of these online platforms – Kickstarter, Patreon, GoFundMe, and many more.

Over $70 million has been pledged to art projects just through Kickstarter.

That’s a lot of quiche.

But does it compromise your art if you attach it to commerce? 

Hell no. 

Your artistic passion, whatever it is, has the power to positively influence other people. Think about the feeling you get when you hear an amazing new song, or stop dead in your tracks at the sight of a beautiful painting or photograph. Chances are the artist who made you feel that way doubted themselves at some point.

You may not think your creations have value, but what is more valuable than the ability to uplift another person?

You should also value the opportunity you create for your audience to actually become a part of your endeavor. By funding you, they have become an integral part of your future creative projects.

We are still learning all of the positive effects that this collaborative artistic movement can have on our society. But, there is already promising evidence out there that being involved with art, directly or indirectly, can change your life for the better.

And that makes us happy.

So go ahead, keep turning your passions into paper. 

Know a budding artist? Share this with them!

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