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What is Neuroplasticity?

Let’s explore the concept of neuroplasticity and why it’s so important for us to understand it.

The term “rewire your brain” has become a buzz phrase in the last decade or so. We see the headlines everywhere; blogs, websites, books, and magazines.

But what does it actually mean? Our brains are not computers and, last time we checked, there is no wiring coming out of our ears. 

When experts talk about rewiring the brain, what they are really referring to is neuroplasticity.

Neuroplasticity is the brain’s ability to modify, change, and adapt both its structure and function throughout life in response to experience. 

Essentially, our brains are a constant work in progress. The things we do every single day change our brains in ways that we are just beginning to understand.  

Not long ago, scientists believed that after a given point in life your brain could no longer change or develop any further. We now know that this isn’t true. 

All your experiences in life — from a single conversation to your everyday habits— shape the minute details of your brain.

This is a massively important concept to grasp. 

Take Control of Your Mind

It’s empowering to know that no matter how old you are you can still alter and change your brain. 

You can improve your memory, learn new skills; even make yourself happier. 

What’s even more fascinating is there are ways that you can actually further promote neuroplasticity in your own brain. 

Practices like intermittent fasting, non-dominant hand exercises, and reading fiction increase brain activity and promote new neural connections. 

Almost all of the exercises and techniques we share with you rely on the concept of neuroplasticity. 

Once you grasp the concept of neuroplasticity, all you need to do is recognize what you want to improve, and start exercising your mind. The results will surprise you. 

Our favorite way to increase neuroplasticity is through meditation, because of the additional benefits; focus, peace of mind, patience, and compassion to name a few. 

We recommend starting with this 10-minute guided mindfulness meditation.

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