
A relaxing hot bath sounds like an absolute dream right now. Maybe toss in a nice bath bomb, light a few candles, grab a good book…why are we not in the bath right now?

On top of the relaxation benefits, a new study released two weeks ago suggests that hot baths are linked to a significant decrease in risk for cardiovascular and stroke. 

The researchers tracked the bathing habits and cardiovascular disease risk of more than 30,000 Japanese adults for 20 years.

According to the study, daily hot baths are associated with a 28% lower risk of heart disease and a 26% lower risk of stroke.

That number jumped to a 35% lower risk of cardiovascular disease when hotter water was used. 

Studies in the past have also shown that baths can benefit our mental health, almost as much as physical exercise. Definitely sounds like something we could all use right about now. 

So grab those rubber duckies, invest in an oversized bathrobe and hit the tub; it could be the missing piece to your healthy lifestyle.

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